
Story Heard from an Old Gentlemen in Chengnei Village

Devastated entrance of Chengnei Village (Yongbin)

In Shenzhen, it is fairly rare to meet a real local since it is a migration city. Chengnei Village (城內村) is situated in Kengzi Subdistrict, the east corner of Shenzhen city. Last month, Kengzi Metro Station was open and the 14th metro line finally reached the city's east end. Huiyang District of Huizhou City is adjacent to the Kengzi Subdistrict to the east. The subdistrict was historically a Hakka area of Huizhou, but it was annexed to Bao'an Country in 1958 and administrated under Shenzhen City from 1979 onward. 

The village used to be a walled village called Xiushan Family Residence. It was constructed in 1794 by four brothers Huang Weiqiu(维球), Huang Weizhen(维珍), Huang Weilian(维琏) and Huang Weijin(维瑾). It was a huge residence covering 15000 square meters and a fortress, but only two gates, and some dilapidated walls made by rammed earth survive. Most of the ancient houses have been supplanted by modern buildings. Obviously, the ancestral hall of the Huang clan used to lie on the axis of the village since it still faced the crescent-shaped pond.

Huang Clan Ancestral Hall in Chengnei Village (Yongbin)

When exploring the village, a well-carved wooden beam on the top of a gate drew my attention among the decaying houses. Moreover, right in front of the gate was a wall, on which some elaborate patterns with birds and flowers remained. 

Unexpectedly, an old gentleman with an irate look came out of the house and yelled at me. He spoke Mandarin with a strong Hakka accent. After I explained my interest in ancient architecture and history, he showed me a smiling face and welcomed me to visit his house. He told me that he was a local Hakka, the owner of this house. Then he narrated his family histroy to me. 

Huang Xinquan with a smiling face(Yongbin)

Huang Xinquan is 70 years ago this year. He retired from the Kengzi subdistrict office, where he worked for the social affair department. His father Huang Guang was born in the Dutch colony Batavia, present-day Jakarta in Indonesia. The family was doing business in the colony and made a fortune. When Huang Guang was seven years old, he returned to Guangdong from Batavia. 

In 1942, he joined the anti-Japanese guerrilla force East River Column, which was organized by the China Communist Party.  In 1964, he joined the People’s Liberation Army when the East River Column was eventually annexed into the Communist army due to the agreement signed between the CCP and the Kuomingtang after World War II.  In 1954, he came back to the village and lived off farming after retiring from the army.

Mao and Huang Guang's photo (Yongbin)

The family that used to reside in front of Huang Xinqiong’s house was a landlord. Fortunately, they made the decision to flee to Hong Kong on the eve of the Communist takeover in 1949. Otherwise, they would hardly survive the political movements coming afterward. 

Delicate plaster carvings of the landlord's house (Yongbin)

Huang Xinquan studied at Guangzu School during the cultural revolution. The school was established in 1906 by Ou Jujia (歐榘甲), its first head teacher. At that time, he was a disciple and follower of Kang Youwei, the prominent political thinker and reformer in the late Qing dynasty. Meanwhile, he raised funds from overseas Chinese in Southeast Asia and introduce modern education to China at Guangzu School. In order to save the nation from a miserable fate, he also promoted the concept of the "Glory of Family and Nation" in his education. 

Although they had relatives in Indonesia, they could not contact them because having foreign contacts would be tantamount to counter-revolutionary and lead to a disastrous ending. Still and all, they managed to receive some amount of funds from overseas relatives in secret. 

Nonetheless, the school did not operate as it used to after the Communist takeover. Huang Xinquan remembered that he merely learned any knowledge there. Instead, he was educated to work in agriculture for most of his time. 

Guangzu Middle School (Yongbin)

At present, he actually lived in another new mansion in a nearby new neighborhood. He gave the old house a makeover in order not to be treated as a run-down house and torn down by the government. And he frequently came to the house to enjoy the tranquility and a comfortable milieu. Overall, for him, this house has lots of vivid memories of his family's history.


  陈氏宗祠(图/无畏) 在20多年前,广州的小谷围岛上只有一群静寂的村落。后来,由于广州大学城的建立,村落的面积大大缩小。不少村民也把老房子推倒,建起商业价值更高的楼房,毕竟周边都是消费能力不低的年轻大学生们。 乡村宗族最重要的象征物——祠堂倒是保存了许多。包裹在大学当中的北亭...